


教员必须保持诚实、正派和道德操守的高标准. He/she must not invoke the protection of academic freedom or give counsel in areas beyond his/her competence as a scholar (see policy #2:159).

While the faculty member may uninhibitedly investigate and research any matter within one’s discipline or germane to it, the faculty member must recognize the responsibilities that govern who are accorded this freedom (see policies #2:158:2-4 and Appendix 2-B).


教师在进行研究时应遵守高道德标准, 学术出版, 以及其他学术研究. 明确制定的政策和程序肯定和维护这些道德行为标准. 违反道德规范的行为,如学术造假, 学术不端行为, plagiarism and conflict of interest as defined below in policies #2:158:3:1-4 are subject to university investigation, 责备和惩戒.


研究不端行为已被联邦政府定义(第689部分), 联邦法规第45条B项公共福利)意指:捏造, 伪造, 或者是求婚中的抄袭, 执行, 或者报告研究结果.


Any adverse action or known threat of any kind against a person who reported or provided information about suspected or alleged research or 学术不端行为… Failure to comply with Federal requirements for the protection of researchers, 人类被试, or the public or for ensuring the welfare of laboratory animals; or failure to meet other material legal requirements governing research will also be defined as retaliation and 学术不端行为.


欺诈是对大学学术诚信的严重威胁. 这是欺骗或不诚实的一种形式, 错误的引用, 虚假的数据, 或多次提交之前在本机构或其他机构提交的作品.  这不是无心的错误,也不是拙劣的学识,而是故意的欺骗. 因此,欺诈指控涉及被告的意图和动机.

Fraud has been specifically defined by the Association of American Colleges and Universities as: (1) 伪造 of data ranging from fabrication to deceptively selective reporting, including the purposeful omission of conflicting data with the intent to falsify results; (2) plagiarism, the representation of someone else’s work as one’s own (see policy #3:158:3:4); and (3) misappropriation of others’ ideas; the unauthorized use of privileged information however obtained (such as violation of confidentiality from a peer review).

被发现在学术活动中有欺诈行为的教员将受到各种纪律处分, 包括因不适合而终止合同(见政策#2:175:3).


当教员的研究行为时,研究中的利益冲突就会产生, 研究结果和/或报告受到私人经济利益或裙带关系利益的影响, or situations in which monetary or personal considerations may compromise professional judgement in 行为ing or reporting research  (see also policy #2:115).

大学通过确保设计来保持研究的客观性, 行为, or reporting of research is not biased by any conflicting financial interest of investigators employed by the university who are responsible for the research in accord with the provisions of PHS regulations 42 CFR Part 50, 部分F, 和45 CFR第94部分.

定义利益冲突的标准详见《bet365中文大学学术研究手册》. 申请校外资金的申请人必须签署一份声明,说明不存在利益冲突.


剽窃, 把别人的作品或想法当作自己的作品或想法的行为, 是否属于严重的学术不诚实行为,可能会导致教职员工被解雇.

书面材料, bet365中文大学希望教职员工尊重他人的知识产权. The university endorses the following requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 5日艾德., 348-350, 387-396. 查阅与出版有关的道德原则的最新资料, 请访问美国心理协会网站 http://www.apastyle.org/manual/index.aspx.

总结一篇文章或重新安排一个句子的顺序和改变一些单词是释义. 每次对出处进行释义时,都需要在文本中注明出处的出处.
他人作品或数据的实质性部分或要素不应被视为自己的, 即使偶尔引用其他工作或数据源.

教师 members who in the presentation or distribution or publication of written material in their own name neglect to specifically or generally acknowledge their indebtedness to sources used shall be guilty of plagiarism and liable to discipline (see also policy #2:445).


The university seeks to provide an environment that promotes ethical integrity by encouraging open discussions and communication of research findings, 提交作品供同行评审, 自律承诺, 强调质量而不是数量, 协作和团队合作, 维持非竞争性的专业关系, 慷慨地承认他人的成就和贡献. The university requires adherence to well-designed protocols that protect research subjects and safeguard against carelessness before and after scholarly activities. (另见附录2-C).


在45 CFR 46中定义的涉及人类受试者的研究计划.102必须由bet365中文大学机构审查委员会(IRB)审查和批准。. The conditions under which data are collected must meet the ethical and legal requirements set forth in the bet365中文大学 IRB written procedures (Handbook), 符合HHS人类受试者研究保护条例的保证. 在研究者收到批准的书面通知之前,不得收集人类受试者的数据. Individuals undertaking studies with 人类被试 without such approval are not covered by university liability protection and may be subject to discipline by the university.


研究 on non-human living animals is subject to the review and approval of the protocol by the bet365中文大学 机构动物护理和使用委员会. bet365中文大学 provides assurance that all research involving animals is 行为ed in accordance with the NIH guidelines for the Care and Use of animals.  This committee uses ethical and regulatory standards set by state and federal agencies to determine that proposed research requires the use of living animals, 这些动物将得到人道关怀, 实验中所带来的痛苦和折磨被最小化了. 动物不得用于研究或教学, 实验也没有开始, 直到协议, 描述它们的使用已被委员会批准.


教员道德行为的主要责任在于教员个人. The principal investigator of a research project shares in this primary responsibility for the ethical 行为 of all research activities with which he/she is associated including the authenticity of the research 行为ed and published in his/her name. 他/她应该代表学校在他/她的环境中保持高标准的学术诚信, give adequate supervision for all staff and students associated with his/her research project and provide due credit to all investigators and associates who have contributed to the work. 这些贡献者和合作者, 另一方面, bear their own ethical responsibility for co-authored work and should be prepared to support and defend their conclusions.


履行自己的义务,促进道德学术活动, 这所大学有两个要求:

  1. 接受责任声明:第一, the university requires a faculty investigator applying for university funding or submitting a proposal for extramural funding and sponsorship to sign a statement accepting responsibility for ethical 行为 within the guidelines contained in the bet365中文大学 工作政策 (see also Appendix 2-C).
  2. 学术不道德行为投诉的调查:二, 大学要求学生及时, forthright and fair action within clearly established university Policy guidelines for process and appeal when allegations or evidence of unethical 行为 is reported either before or after the completion of the research investigation (see also policy Appendix 2-C).